Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012

In light of my last couple of posts, that have been brought to my attention as somewhat depressing, I have decided to make my next post about the wonderful family that I have.  Like stated in my first post, I love almost everything about my life, but rather it is just the everyday routine that has become somewhat lackluster.  My family brings so much joy to my life. 

For the sake of saving about an hour worth of tangents that I know no one wants to listen to, let's just say that I am not a morning person.  Ironically though, waking up everyday is my favorite thing in this world!  Although I usually awaken from my somewhat restless slumber to the exasperating alarm that is my son's need to let the whole world know he's awake, I am quickly pacified by the glimpse of my beautiful wife starring at herself in the bathroom mirror.  Everyday I watch her stare into that mirror and critique everything about herself, but just once I wish she could gaze into that reflection and see the amazing person that I see.  For once I wish she could see the compassionate, loving, intelligent, and elegant woman that I see everyday who with one smile can change the whole presence of a room. 

After saying good morning and I love you to my wife, I then make my way through the living room and down the hall to my son's room.  With every sluggish stumble the voice-over of Larry the Cable Guy as Tow-Mater in the hit movie Cars becomes resoudningly clearer.  Now for a 16 month old, my some has quite the vocabulary, but his word of choice to repeat 1000 times a day is "car."  It doesnt matter whether it be Cars 1 or Cars 2, he loves those freaking movies!   

As I enter the room, he quickly turns his focus from the 22" LCD flatscreen to me.  Remember how I said my wife's smile can light up a room?  Well, its safe to say that my son got his smile from her.  I cant describe to you in words how incredible it is to see him reach out his tiny little arms and smile while he says "da-da."  I then walk over to his crib and lift him up into my arms for my morning hug.  My hug is always followed by a little pat on the shoulder like he is trying to say everything is great now dad, and then a reach for his "B-B."  For those of you who are not up to date on the lingo of a 16 month old, that is his blanket.  With "B-B" in hand, we then sit in the recliner and finish watching however much time is left on the cars movie we started sometime between the hours of 4:45 & 5:30. 

Outta time today... See ya tomorrow...

** Continued on January 31, 2012...

Once we have finished the movie, he'll look up at me like he is asking "what now dad?"  So I take him into the kitchen, and we start our morning routine of going through everything in the fridge & pantry we could possibly have for breakfast before he inevitably choosing his bananna.  I then sit him in his big boy chair, cut up the bananna, and start to make my own breakfat.  I usually get my eggs cooked about half way when it is now apparently time to find something different for him to eat.

While trying not to burn my eggs, I quickly rumage through the fridge for whatever yogurt we have left because what else would you wash a bananna down with?  Now, I've got three choices... 1) I can just give him the little jar of yogurt in hopes that maybe he will learn to eat it himself (highly likely that this is go severly wrong and end up all over him), 2) I can stop cooking my eggs and feed him (postponing my breakfast even longer), or 3) I can just listen to him scream that I am not moving at lightning speed.  I have yet to choose anything but option #2 so I cant tell you how the others would pan out.  The epic battle between my hungry stomach and conscience minded brain fails in comparison to the war between my my son's need for attention and yogurt! 

Shit...  Gotta go once again!  Not a lot of time to write here lately.  Maybe I can get some more done tonight!


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