Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27th ... PART DEUX

I begin where I left off discussing the notion that we as American people had accepted the complacency of our government, and its arrogance that there was no change or improvement to our nation's security that could possibly be better than what we already had in place.  Once again you see the inability to act until we were forced to do so.  Why do we always push the bar in technology and with our media liberties, but refused to power forward in the advancement and innovation of all other aspects of our freedom.  We are taking so many steps back every day that we are never going to be able to catch back up with the reality that freedom isn't just being able to wake up everyday and live your life under your own control.  Its the ability of choice, and that choice, that freedom, comes with the unselfish responsibility of caring for your fellow citizen (not just your family & friends, but rather everyone). 

Our ancestors did not leave everything that they had ever known or owned to seek the ability to run around and do whatever they pleased!  They escaped the tyranny of their former land in hopes to seek religious freedom and humanity.  This meant the ability to take care of their families, friends, and fellow person.  The same respect should be shared today, but rather our capitalistic society has eradicated this ideology from not only our government, but is now attempting to remove it from the words of our forefathers. 

Most would seek to tear down the walls of our government and start rebuilding based on a mix of the principles & ideologies of other society's and governments, but I firmly believe that this is the wrong way of looking at it.  Once again, we have to stop focusing on the mistakes that we have made in the past like they are some template to base our new lives on.  If you base a new society on old testimonies and viewpoints then it will be no different than before.  Rather, you have to build a foundation based on morals and amendments of freedom that support the mass as if it is one structure.  From there you can continually grow and develop as ONE nation.  Gandhi once stated that change is inevitable, but that you shouldn't turn away from your beliefs or ambitions for new ones.  Rather become more educated in those beliefs and ambitions in hopes to become a better overall person.  He stated that a believer in the Catholic religion should never abandon his faith for another religion because of doubts or tribulations.  He should in return devout his life to becoming a better catholic because those same questions and trials will always be there.  We cant just change our core values to benefit our own desires, but rather you change you desires to fill the void of the need for change.   

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