Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012

In light of my last couple of posts, that have been brought to my attention as somewhat depressing, I have decided to make my next post about the wonderful family that I have.  Like stated in my first post, I love almost everything about my life, but rather it is just the everyday routine that has become somewhat lackluster.  My family brings so much joy to my life. 

For the sake of saving about an hour worth of tangents that I know no one wants to listen to, let's just say that I am not a morning person.  Ironically though, waking up everyday is my favorite thing in this world!  Although I usually awaken from my somewhat restless slumber to the exasperating alarm that is my son's need to let the whole world know he's awake, I am quickly pacified by the glimpse of my beautiful wife starring at herself in the bathroom mirror.  Everyday I watch her stare into that mirror and critique everything about herself, but just once I wish she could gaze into that reflection and see the amazing person that I see.  For once I wish she could see the compassionate, loving, intelligent, and elegant woman that I see everyday who with one smile can change the whole presence of a room. 

After saying good morning and I love you to my wife, I then make my way through the living room and down the hall to my son's room.  With every sluggish stumble the voice-over of Larry the Cable Guy as Tow-Mater in the hit movie Cars becomes resoudningly clearer.  Now for a 16 month old, my some has quite the vocabulary, but his word of choice to repeat 1000 times a day is "car."  It doesnt matter whether it be Cars 1 or Cars 2, he loves those freaking movies!   

As I enter the room, he quickly turns his focus from the 22" LCD flatscreen to me.  Remember how I said my wife's smile can light up a room?  Well, its safe to say that my son got his smile from her.  I cant describe to you in words how incredible it is to see him reach out his tiny little arms and smile while he says "da-da."  I then walk over to his crib and lift him up into my arms for my morning hug.  My hug is always followed by a little pat on the shoulder like he is trying to say everything is great now dad, and then a reach for his "B-B."  For those of you who are not up to date on the lingo of a 16 month old, that is his blanket.  With "B-B" in hand, we then sit in the recliner and finish watching however much time is left on the cars movie we started sometime between the hours of 4:45 & 5:30. 

Outta time today... See ya tomorrow...

** Continued on January 31, 2012...

Once we have finished the movie, he'll look up at me like he is asking "what now dad?"  So I take him into the kitchen, and we start our morning routine of going through everything in the fridge & pantry we could possibly have for breakfast before he inevitably choosing his bananna.  I then sit him in his big boy chair, cut up the bananna, and start to make my own breakfat.  I usually get my eggs cooked about half way when it is now apparently time to find something different for him to eat.

While trying not to burn my eggs, I quickly rumage through the fridge for whatever yogurt we have left because what else would you wash a bananna down with?  Now, I've got three choices... 1) I can just give him the little jar of yogurt in hopes that maybe he will learn to eat it himself (highly likely that this is go severly wrong and end up all over him), 2) I can stop cooking my eggs and feed him (postponing my breakfast even longer), or 3) I can just listen to him scream that I am not moving at lightning speed.  I have yet to choose anything but option #2 so I cant tell you how the others would pan out.  The epic battle between my hungry stomach and conscience minded brain fails in comparison to the war between my my son's need for attention and yogurt! 

Shit...  Gotta go once again!  Not a lot of time to write here lately.  Maybe I can get some more done tonight!


Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27th ... PART DEUX

I begin where I left off discussing the notion that we as American people had accepted the complacency of our government, and its arrogance that there was no change or improvement to our nation's security that could possibly be better than what we already had in place.  Once again you see the inability to act until we were forced to do so.  Why do we always push the bar in technology and with our media liberties, but refused to power forward in the advancement and innovation of all other aspects of our freedom.  We are taking so many steps back every day that we are never going to be able to catch back up with the reality that freedom isn't just being able to wake up everyday and live your life under your own control.  Its the ability of choice, and that choice, that freedom, comes with the unselfish responsibility of caring for your fellow citizen (not just your family & friends, but rather everyone). 

Our ancestors did not leave everything that they had ever known or owned to seek the ability to run around and do whatever they pleased!  They escaped the tyranny of their former land in hopes to seek religious freedom and humanity.  This meant the ability to take care of their families, friends, and fellow person.  The same respect should be shared today, but rather our capitalistic society has eradicated this ideology from not only our government, but is now attempting to remove it from the words of our forefathers. 

Most would seek to tear down the walls of our government and start rebuilding based on a mix of the principles & ideologies of other society's and governments, but I firmly believe that this is the wrong way of looking at it.  Once again, we have to stop focusing on the mistakes that we have made in the past like they are some template to base our new lives on.  If you base a new society on old testimonies and viewpoints then it will be no different than before.  Rather, you have to build a foundation based on morals and amendments of freedom that support the mass as if it is one structure.  From there you can continually grow and develop as ONE nation.  Gandhi once stated that change is inevitable, but that you shouldn't turn away from your beliefs or ambitions for new ones.  Rather become more educated in those beliefs and ambitions in hopes to become a better overall person.  He stated that a believer in the Catholic religion should never abandon his faith for another religion because of doubts or tribulations.  He should in return devout his life to becoming a better catholic because those same questions and trials will always be there.  We cant just change our core values to benefit our own desires, but rather you change you desires to fill the void of the need for change.   


So, explain to me this...  Is stupidity hereditary or what?  I mean what the hell is wrong with people today?  Where did we go wrong in our educational system that makes people not be able to think for themselves, or even to play out scenarios in their head?  Why the hell do people talk without even thinking about what they want to say?  Don't get me wrong, I have the occasional Freudian slip, and even the occasional asinine opinion, but at least I can back up my actions or what I said with meaningful reasoning instead of just spouting out some muddled sequence of words that sound like I just had a seizure while talking. 

Today's society has become so overwhelmed with stupidity that I truly believe that there needs to be an island for this genre of people to frolic around and be happy together on.  I mean shit, it isn't like they would even know what was going on.  The funny thing is that stupid people get worse when they are around other stupid people! This works out perfect for all of us who actually can function as adults in this world. 

Now don't take me so literal in the sense that you think I mean anybody who does something stupid should be banished to some foreign island somewhere (I would join them if this was the case), but rather just people who choose not to use even the smallest amount of common sense that God gave them.  I'm talking about people who form their opinions on the basis of what they heard from someone that read something in the Star Enquirer, or even people who decided to vote on a Presidential election just because "their" candidate was part black.  Now, go ahead, judge me if you want, but before you do, actually think about the following.  Afterwards, if you still believe that I am some dim-witted imprudent red-neck that hates the world because he has mommy issues then well, that's your right.  I wont argue that with you, but rather just tell you to kiss my ass and have a nice life!  I will always respect another person's opinion, and their right to form their own, but that doesn't mean that I have to agree with it.

OK, let me preface this next part by saying that I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, but rather a person who believes that this world is made of two types of people.  Neither includes the aforementioned two above, but rather people that 1) truly care about the well being of other human beings and respect them no matter what, and 2) only care about themselves and what benefits their way of life.  I got news for you liberals out there that think that I probably should have included about 5 to 10 more categories of people... It's that simple!  It doesn't matter what race, gender, creed, or religious category you fall under, this is true of every single living breathing human being that walks or who has ever walked this earth.

Now, lets take that information and apply to the Presidential election, or hell, any election that takes place in this world.  Let's just narrow the scope down to the US Presidential election to keep the flow of these thoughts easier to read.  There are once again: 1) people who care about other humans, and 2) people who only care about themselves or how they will benefit.  Obviously we know by now that the act of lobbying is never going to go away because its been around ever since the civilized world began.  However, I have a way to circumvent this inevitable exploit in hopes to one day stop the bleeding of humanity. 

It's simple... Every ballot needs to include only the following: 1) the first and last names of the candidates (no republican or democrat symbolism), 2) a box beside each name to place your vote, and finally 3) five multiple questions that are compiled from the major points of all the canidate's platforms.  Each vote is then carefully graded by no other than the tens of thousands of part time employees that you have hired to candidly tally these results (no computers - unemployment crisis minimized), and then totaled as a collective popular vote to see who wins.  The electoral college should be banned forever from even mentioning that it ever existed.  In order for a vote to pass or officially count, you should be required to have answered 3 out of the 5 questions correctly.  This automatically eliminates all votes based solely on appearance, political stance, and personal status.  This will require that all voters pay more attention to the platforms of all candidates, and to form opinions based on what's best for our nation instead of their own personal status.  It will also hold the American people more accountable for their election of a candidate in the instance that he/she becomes a bust.  STUPIDITY ELUDED!!!

Now that you have an little more of an idea about what form of stupidity I am talking about, lets move on to another form of stupidity that is less political and more conventional to our own daily lives.  You know the people, that if its true that on average we only use about 20% of our brain, they probably only use about 5%.  I'm talking about the people who are absolutely incapable of thinking on their own, and who form their opinions from the ideas of others like a parasite who has latched on and is now supported by its host.  These are the people who actually answer their own questions without evening knowing it, but instead stare at you with those empty glazed over eyes when you respond with "correct."  The sad part is that you can never tell whether or not they are just that intellectually deprived, or if they just are too lazy to do the actual work themselves. 

If you have stayed with me through all of this then more power too you, and thanks for following along.  Again, these are my random thoughts throughout my day that I am trying to get out in hopes to deter my aggression from turning violent due to my lack of temperament control.  There are many more that I could right about, but there isn't enough time in the day to do that.  Not to mention that a lot of them are worth the time that it would take to write out.  These thoughts are from the stockpiled repetitions that happen frequently in my life that I fill could be expressed better through words! 

Anyways, I will finish with the worse form of stupidity that there is out there.  That's the person who knows that they are capable of so much more, but would rather remain in the dullness of life because its just easier for them.  These type of people actually have the capability of being very successful in life, but choose the life of solemness because it allows them "to enjoy their life the way they want."  I am a firm believer in doing something that you truly love because that's what life is all about, but there is a difference between the people that truly live that everyday, and the people who use that as an excuse for not wanting to put forth the effort and risk it takes to do what they should.  These people seemed so out-going and happy, but its just a counterfeit impression of the lives that they truly want to live.  

Anyways, got to get for the night!  See ya tomorrow...   

Friday January 27, 2012

I have finally decided that I have a little bit of an anger problem, and even a little bit of a problem leaving the past where it belongs (IN THE PAST)!!!  So in order to help circumvent my denial, I have decided to start blogging about anything and everything that happens in my life on a daily basis. 

So, lets see...  Slow relaxing music? CHECK... Social filter?  HOPEFULLY...

Well, ones thing is for sure.  I could listen to Miles Davis all day long.  Maybe instead of blogging I just need to walk around all day with headphones on so that I can listen to Miles.  It always seems to make my day not matter what screwed up shit is going on.  The only problem that I think I would run into is that it also makes me want to slowly sip on a good cognac or burbon, which after about 5 glasses in, makes me depressed about the monotonous routine of my daily life. 

Now, before I go further on that I would like to state the I love my life, and even most things in it, but the daily "grind" has just become so assembly-esk that it makes me feel almost in comparison to that feeling you get on a cold raining night while sitting at a stop light waiting for the damn thing to turn green.  There is no one else around you, but for some reason that fucking light decided to turn red right as you were impending upon it.  Everything just becomes a blur because you are so tunnel driven to get somewhere, hell anywhere, but everything in life keeps weighing you down.  The idea of driving down to the city's transportation office to murder the man that decided to play this practical joke on you has already crossed your mind about 5 times, but before you know it, the light is green and it has been for some time now!

I mean come on... I know I'm only 28, and have "the rest of my life" ahead of me, but this really isnt where I pictured myself 10 years ago when I traveled across that stage accepting my high school diploma.  Granted, the past 10 years have been a blast, and even unforgettable at times, but there are a lot of things, that given the chance to "mulligan" some might say, that I wouldnt hesitate to do over.  I used to have this outlook on life that the mistakes we make in life are what makes us stronger, but I've come to the realization that this Socrates way of thinking is just plain narrow-minded.  I mean let's think out of the box here in a universal fashion in hopes to really see what happens in our lives.

The social world tells us to remember the mistakes and events of what went on in order to make sure that when faced with the same siutation later in life your dont take the same route to failure.  Well, what if that is your only route?  I mean think about how times in your life you have been put in the same situation without the ability of having complete control over your actions.  Shit, it happens to me daily at work!  In an ideal world, I would be able to have an adolescent conversation with my manager, etc. in order to solve an issue or discrepancy, but instead, what do I end up doing most of the time?  Just nodding my head agreeing with shit that I dont agree with just so that I can feed the vanity of some other dumbass's ego that truely doesnt give a shit what I think. 

Now say I decide one day to speak my mind, and express truly how I feel.  Do you think that is truly going to get me anywhere as long as the dumbass above me is the one controlling everything?  NO... Of course its not, and if I do this then now its my ass, or better yet, my "mistake."  What the hell am I supossed to learn from that?  Instead of saying that we need to learn from our mistakes, or learn to present ourselves in a more professional manner, why dont we just accept the fact that the world we live in each day is undeniably designed to make us fail.

This world changes everyday, but we sit around for years in our own futility until we are forced to make change happen.  Why?  Because change means a decline in power to most.  Most human beings dont see the amazing things that people can accomplish together instead of being told to do by a select few.  Hell, even the governments that "we the people" created have failed because "we the people" have given too much power to those that we have selected to answer for us.  Instead of being servants to the "people," our politicians today have become tenured co-workers.  They have been allowed to make careers out of a position that was orignally designed to support and serve the mass.  This abudance of years that are allowed to most creates an enviorment where change can not exist.  Change that is supposed to be a mixture of comprimises and covenants (not contracts). 

Instead of focusing on the proclivity that we need to learn from our mistakes and move forward as more rounded individuals, why dont we just come to the conclusion that mistakes are in nature a good thing.  All mistakes benefit someone no matter how terrible or drastic they are.  The 9/11 bombings, although as dispicable and contraversial as they were, benefitted the people that planned and carried out these actions.  That doesnt make it right, or even remotely justified, but yet just an example that all actions (in this case mistakes) are seemingly good in nature.  I know that this is an extreme case, and its probably hard to invision what sort of point I could be making from this, but look at all of the good that has happend in our nation since that horrific day!  Our nation grew stronger in its military defense and the sense of pride within our nation and support for our troops grew even that much stonger.  Homeland Security is more involved in the safety of our air travel than ever before.  The strategic way of protecting our borders has been completely broken down and rebuilt.  Most importantly, the Taliban has been dismantled.  This didnt happen because we made mistakes in regards to our national security, but rather because we had become complacent with the way things were.  We had grown arrogant in our daily responsibility to govern and secure our land thinking that there was no one out there that could be smarter than we are at defending our own nation. 

Again, the notion that we learned from our mistakes is an artificial binding to the reality that we had just lost touch with the true value of what living in America stood for.  The same freedom that we have been protecting for centuries is the same freedom that is trampeled on by citizens living inside these borders everyday. 

gotta go...see ya tomorrow...